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Thursday Bird Droppings: The Orioles preseason playoff chance is at last above 0%

Related Topics: Daniel Szymborski

Hello, friends.

There are now 49 days remaining until Orioles Opening Day. That’s seven weeks from today! This uniform number was in use by DL Hall in the 2022 season, although he’s changing to 24 for this year. Past luminaries to wear the number include Hayden Penn, memorable to me as the first Oriole to be younger than me, and Jason Berken. Pitchers and catchers report to Sarasota in one week, with WBC-participating guys showing up a few days before that.

With the rapid approach of spring training season comes another season: Standings projection season. A decade ago, this was a regular ritual wherein Orioles fans could all chuckle at the silly simulations and their inability to recognize a quality O’s team.