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Orioles games and other unfortunate events

At last, Jim thought, a quiet Saturday to myself. The last few months had been nothing but stress at work and to-do lists at home. But with the big proposal submitted and Diane and the kids at her parents' house (but having left before the work week ended), he suddenly found himself with a quiet respite. As he slowly rolled the car out of the driveway, he exhaled slowly and felt the stress exit his body.

He couldn't even remember the last time he'd just gone to the movies. As he waited at the light to turn onto the main road, his mind loosely working on deciding between Ant-Man and the newest Mission Impossible flick, he became dimly aware of a car approaching the intersection from the opposite direction, moving way too fast to stop before entering the roadway, which still had a steady stream of cars in all four lanes going 50 mph.