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Luis Mercedes, 1992 Stadium Club #242

1. 1994 Topps Stadium Club Team #281 Kevin McGehee

2. 1994 Bowman #431 Vaughn Eshelman

3. 1994 Topps Gold #791 Mike Cook

4. 1998 Pacific Online #85 Norm Charlton

5. 1998 Pacific #27 Aaron Ledesma

6. 2010 Bowman Topps 100 Prospects #TP55 Josh Bell

7. 2008 Upper Deck Timeline #377 Eider Torres

8. 1999 Fleer Tradition Update #U124 Mike Figga

9. 1999 Upper Deck #320 Heathcliff Slocumb

10. 2006 Upper Deck #531 John Halama

11. 2000 Bowman #189 Brian Falkenborg