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Has Cedric Mullins answered the fluke season question for good?

Cedric Mullins is the owner of a piece of Orioles history. And given how terrific he’s been this season, it’s more than appropriate.

Mullins on Friday clubbed his 30th home run, and became the first Oriole to hit 30 homers and steal 30 bases. Brady Anderson didn’t do it. Roberto Alomar didn’t do it. Neither did Adam Jones or Manny Machado or Brian Roberts or all the other players who over the years have combined speed and power in Baltimore.

There are multiple reasons holding this honor is so well-earned for Mullins. One is his recovery from a rocky (that’s putting it lightly) start to his career, a rebound that does a better job than that of practically any other player of defining perseverance and the value of dedication and determination.