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Baysox To Honor Victims Of Capital Gazette Shooting

The Bowie Baysox on Thursday are honoring victims and others affected by the shooting last month at the Capital Gazette offices in Annapolis.

Half of all ticket proceeds from the 7:05 p.m. game against the Erie SeaWolves will go to funds set up to support counseling, medical expense, funeral expenses and other costs incurred by victims, co-workers and family members.

"The Annapolis Capital and its affiliate papers--including the Bowie Blade-News and West County Gazette--have been such important partners to the Baysox since our first game in 1993," Baysox General Manager Brian Shallcross said in a statement. "Over the many years of working together, we have come to know many great people at the Capital Gazette family who have put their heart and soul into their craft.