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2021 Orioles vs. projections: Anthony Santander (poll)

If you have to endure your favorite baseball team being bad, as Orioles fans have had to do for four seasons now, one thing that can make the drudgery seem a bit more bearable is if there are players on the team who have something fun going for them. For me, Anthony Santander has been one of those players ever since the day two summers ago that all of the visiting British kids cheered every time he threw them a foul ball.

Santander would be an interesting player for the current Orioles even without that. He started out as one more of Dan Duquette’s far-off Rule 5 draft experiments, one who was shepherded onto the injured list under circumstances that may have been shady if scrutinized in order to keep him around, then banished to the minors the first day possible.