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Surgery cut Mallory Summers' season short, but senior remains big part of Wapahani's success

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SELMA, Ind. — At first, it was the little things.

Walking up stairs or even throwing a toy to her dog in the backyard, things that shouldn't fatigue a varsity athlete, left Mallory Summers out of breath. Running at volleyball practice earlier this month, the Wapahani senior had more troubles breathing. At that point, she "knew something wasn't right."

Still, she pressed on and played in a match the next day. After all, it was against Cowan and, with a win, Wapahani would be crowned Mid-Eastern Conference champions. But after a point in the third set, Summers looked over to head coach Kati Weir on the sideline — that's when Weir said she "knew something was different," and pulled her lone senior out of the match.