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The Smoking Barn 2.3 - Mississippi State Bulldogs

2014 was the year of Dan Mullen. 2015 is the year of DraftKings. Let's put 'em together and ruin somebody's weekend.


Yikes, sorry. Just a reflex. Definitely way too early for that.

Your humble Bringer of the Barn reclines on the sofa, sipping hot tea, and suddenly the world doesn't seem so crazy and loud and hectic and /sip HOOOLLLYYYY AUGGHHH MY MOUTH IS BURNING!

That's more like it.

Well, we're 2-1, and for some people that's not a big deal (like, me, for example). We lost to a pretty good LSU team in Death Valley, had a September Heisman winner run all over (and under and around and through) our defense (don't worry—LF won't be able to do jack squat against Alabama's joke of a defense and Les Miles will be at fault in typical Les Miles "Saban owns my sweet little tushy" fashion), and with a "decent" or "good" quarterback, we're at least competing through the fourth quarter.