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Atlanta Hawks: New Ringer Podcast with Vince Carter and Kent Bazemore

The Atlanta Hawks have always seemingly been on the cutting-edge of crafting audio content in-house, but now the team has partnered with one of the best purveyors of pods in all of podcastdom: The Ringer.

Today, The Ringer announced Winging It, a podcast featuring NBA legend Vince Carter, longtime Hawks shooting guard Kent Bazemore and Hawks PR guru Annie Finberg.

Baze and Finberg previously worked together on the highly regarded Road Trippin’ NBA podcast, which featured former Hawks big man Mike Muscala with Baze and Finberg. Now, with the clout of The Ringer allowing Baze and Finberg to join forces again with a wily NBA veteran in tow, this is sure to be a can’t miss podcast for Atlanta Hawks fans – and NBA fans in general.