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Falcoholinks: All the Falcons news you need for Wednesday, Sept. 26

We’re midway through the workweek, which means our Saints loss hangovers have mainly subsided and we’re dipping into the well of cautious optimism for Sunday. The Bengals last came to town in October of 2010, a meeting which saw the Falcons come away with a victory. We’ll lean on that and hope for a similar outcome as we head through the week. For today? Piping hot Falcoholinks bright and early.

Benefit or doubt?

Coach Dan Quinn has transformed the Falcons since his arrival in 2015. He’s put an emphasis on forging bonds through brotherhood, brought some aggression to a team that once slunk off the field after a late hit on Matt Ryan, and revitalized a defense that’s been feeble since the time of Pangaea.