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Yale 13, Duke 11 and a Baseball Game

At last — Back to a timezone where baseball happens at a reasonable hour… ignoring the 2nd game on Monday. Though to be perfectly honest, my Yale Bulldogs won the NCAA Lacrosse Championship on Monday and I’m not going to care much about baseball until my elation subsides a little bit.

Set the Wayback Machine, Sherman, for June 8th, 1966. For the first time in this nostalgia tour, the same teams are playing today as 50 years ago. Game 55 saw the 24-30 Atlanta Braves taking on the 17-27 IWOTMs. Whereas last week we saw the Braves in the midst of a 7 game losing streak, they were now in the middle of a 7 game winning streak, and beat the Mets by the same score as last night’s 2018 game: 7-6.