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Podcast Announcement: Three Flags Flying is LIVE!

Guys and gals, I cannot emphasize enough how excited I am that Braves Journal now has its own podcast. Three Flags Flying is a podcast that represents the unity of 3 Braves blogs: Braves Journal, Outfield Fly Rule, and Talking Chop.

Kris Willis is the site manager from Talking Chop and has a long history in providing solid content through TC and Peachtree Hoops.

Brent Blackwell is the co-founder of Outfield Fly Rule and is a deeply researched analyst in anything he does, and has been providing quality pieces over at OFR for years.

Our mission for the podcast is to create a 30-45 minute podcast that comes equipped with 3 segments each week:

  • Focus on the Braves MiLB team

Our 1st episode was merely an introductory to get registered on the various podcast sites.