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Playing through pain is a bad idea and it’s hurting the Braves

Hello! It’s Demetrius Bell, the internet’s local blogging Braves nerd. So, um, this take that you absolutely have to play every game that you possibly can and built-in days off are kind of bad? It’s um, it’s not good.

Yep. To take it a step further, that take is “nooooooo gooooooood,” as a really speedy blue hedgehog from the 1990s would say. I’ll start with the understandable parts, which is what Hannah Keyser pointed out in her article on the subject. I definitely recommend that you read it, since she’s pretty fair in pointing out that there have been a couple of situations where forcing a guy onto the field — namely, Freddie Freeman pressuring someone to play in the friendliest, most Freddie Freeman-est way possible — ended up working out for the Braves.