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#Braves Roundup: Olivera, DeRo, Uribe and more

  • It’s much easier to fill a LF vacancy than one at third base. Unfortunately, the Braves now need the latter after announcing Hector Olivera will move to the outfield in 2016. The move raises the bar for Olivera: .270–15-65 would be decent numbers for a third sacker but look less impressive in LF.
  • So who plays 3B? Adonis Garcia, who committed 10 errors in 42 games at the hot corner for Atlanta, is even more defensively challenged than Hector. The free agent market for third basemen is very thin — defensively limited 33-year-old David Freese is the cream of a crop that includes the likes of Casey McGehee, Gordon Beckham and the immortal Alberto Callaspo.