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Bob Marley leads the Indigenous Peoples on their Special Day: Braves 5 (that’s right, dammit), La La Land 1

Bob Marley : “Stir it up.” And thus the Indigenous Persons, aggrieved from years of encroaching urbanization (trolley dodgers) were able to assert dominance.

Reggie Jackson: “I am the stick that stirs the drink.”

Franklin Roosevelt: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”

Theodore Roosevelt: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. “I want to be with my boys.” (and thus he remains, in Colleville-Sur-Mer.)

Al Davis: Just win, baby.”

Maximus: “Are you not entertained?”

Damn right, we were very entertained. A good and exciting ballgame, but with the right ending.