88 Years Of Strife, To Reach .500

It's been 88 long years for the Braves franchise. The last time the Braves franchise record was at .500, Calvin Coolidge was President of the United States. That's 1923 for you non-history people.

Yes, Boston BravesSince 1923, the Boston/Milwaukee/Atlanta Braves have had a losing record. On Saturday, Brian McCann's three-run homer in the 10th inning ensured the Braves would reach the .500 mark. At the end of a long game against the Houston Astros, the Braves brought their all-time record to 9,982-9,982. On Sunday, they surpassed it.

To put in perspective how great the Braves have been since 1991, they were 526 games below .500 on April 20th, 1991. With only 17 wins to 10,000 victories, or 18 to 10,000 losses, the Braves, no matter where they played, have leveled their record, and it's hard to believe they'll ever be 526 games under .500. But, with the team they've got, they could soon be 526 over .500. Wouldn't that be something.

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