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Aston Villa women boss Carla Ward insists player welfare is 'paramount' after a coach was accused of sending inappropriate messages to young female players and says the club must create a 'safe environment'

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Aston Villa women boss Carla Ward insisted player welfare is ‘paramount’ after Sportsmail revealed how a former coach resigned following shocking allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

Sportsmail’s investigation revealed how former coach Jack Peel was accused of sending inappropriate messages, including requests for naked photographs, during his time as head coach of the women’s academy at the Premier League club.

Peel was suspended by Villa in September 2021 after they received a complaint about his alleged behaviour from a member of the first-team squad and conducted an internal investigation.

Aston Villa women boss Carla Ward stressed that player welfare is 'paramount' after it was revealed a former coach sent inappropriate messages to young female players

The 27-year-old resigned on the day he was due to attend a formal disciplinary hearing at Villa, but strongly denies the allegations, describing them as 'disgusting' and 'untrue'.