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Theo Walcott leaves Arsenal with a sense of underachievement - but he starred against Barcelona, scored 108 goals and at times, electrified his team

First things first, some perspective. Theo Walcott scored 108 goals in 397 appearances for Arsenal, at a rate of a goal every 3.7 games.

At his best, Walcott's raw, inhibited speed electrified Arsene Wenger teams. He was the pocket rocket that helped his side storm back to draw 2-2 against Pep Guardiola's brilliant Barcelona in 2010.

He scored crucial goals to seal Champions League qualification against Udinese in 2012. He has scored several memorable goals in impressive Arsenal victories over Arsenal.

Theo Walcott is set leave Arsenal afteru00a0108 goals in 397 appearances at the club
Theo Walcott is set leave Arsenal after 108 goals in 397 appearances at the club
Walcott has been a fine servant for Arsenal yet there is a sense of underachievementu00a0
Walcott has been a fine servant for Arsenal yet there is a sense of underachievement
In 2006, Walcott was in England's World Cup squad before playing a senior Arsenal game
In 2006, Walcott was in England's World Cup squad before playing a senior Arsenal game

For England, he produced arguably the greatest individual performance of the current Millennium on the night he cut Croatia to ribbons as a 19-year-old in 2008.