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Rival members of Premier League's Big Six 'are pushing hardest for Man City to be punished' - with a possibly of EXPULSION if they have broken finance rules - but stripping titles is seen as pointless

Related Topics: Premier League, Manchester City

Members of the Premier League's 'Big Six' are reportedly pushing hardest to see Manchester City handed the severest punishment for breaching more than 100 financial rules.

In a bombshell announcement on Monday, the Premier League charged City with more than 100 financial rule breaches,

Should Man City be found guilty, they face a range of potential sanctions including a points deduction or even an expulsion - though it could take years to come to a conclusion.

Sky Sports News have now reported that members of the 'Big Six' - which includes Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool and Manchester United - have been eager to see City given the harshest punishment.