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Richard Keys suggests Jurgen Klopp was to blame for Kostas Tsimikas' broken collarbone as Liverpool boss standing so close to the pitch is 'dangerous'

Richard Keys has blamed Jurgen Klopp for the broken collarbone suffered by Liverpool defender Kostas Tsimikas in Saturday night's 1-1 draw with Arsenal.

Bukayo Saka collided into Tsimikas right in front of Klopp's technical area, where the Liverpool manager was standing just inches from the touchline.

Klopp was upended by the flying Tsimikas, who landed hard on his shoulder. The Reds boss appeared to fall onto the Greek's leg but the main damage was done to his upper body.

Keys, who has regularly railed against Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta's touchline antics, tweeted: 'It's an irony that it's Klopp - with Arteta in the other technical area - but that's exactly why a coach being too close to the playing area is dangerous.