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Nicolas Pepe's Arsenal career was in danger of fizzling out after a shocking red card for headbutting Ezgjan Alioski... now, as he faces Leeds again, the £72m winger looks reborn and is finally starting to deliver after a tactical tweak from Mikel Arteta

Nicolas Pepe's Arsenal career was in tatters the last time the Gunners faced Leeds.

The Ivorian winger's careless red card for a headbutt on defender Ezgjan Alioski last November appeared to be the final straw in what has so far been a mixed spell in north London.

A furious Mikel Arteta branded the player's actions as 'unacceptable' and those familiar with the Arsenal manager's ruthless streak feared the end of the £72million man's hopes of proving himself at the Emirates Stadium.

Nicolas Pepe's (right) Arsenal career was in tatters the last time Arsenal played Leeds
The Ivorian (far right) was sent off for headbutting Leeds' Ezgjan Alioski (second left)

Though with Arsenal hosting Leeds in the return league fixture this Sunday and Alioski revealing he can't wait to come up against his 'mate' Pepe - the Leeds defender is set find a more mature and resurgent player up against him.