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MICAH RICHARDS: Sergio Aguero is the man I'd choose to score to save my life... he's a better finisher than the legendary Thierry Henry

If Sergio Aguero had been the face of an advertising campaign, would people be more respectful and appreciative of his talents?

I often wonder whether we realise what a player we have watched for the last 10 seasons. Aguero has had as big an impact on English football as Thierry Henry.

He might not be as easy on the eye as Henry in terms of style but he is a better finisher than the Arsenal legend.

Micah Richards thinks Sergio Aguero has not received enough credit for his spell in England
Richards believes Aguero is a sharper finisher than the iconic Arsenal forward Thierry Henry

Henry, though, will always command affection. He was the man with ‘Va va voom!