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Mesut Ozil was the German poster boy when they won the World Cup but by the time of THAT photo with best-man Erdogan he wasn't such a hot ticket... for adidas, ending his £2.5m-a-year deal is a no-brainer

Adidas have made a stylish point this week on Instagram. 'Racism' is written in white across a black banner, with a red line crossing out the word. The following slide is some inspirational truisms. 'Together is how we move forward. Together we have the power to make a change. Together we must fight what is wrong and try to make it right.'

On a level, it works. The sentiments might seem trite but that doesn't mean they're not sincere and they are also true. Many of these aphorisms, which have been circulating in recent days following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, are feint echoes of the Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream Speech.