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Best of enemies: Mauricio Pochettino and Unai Emery ignore fan feuds ahead of north London derby

The first north London derby since Arsene Wenger's exit delivers a hint of bromance across the football divide that brings to mind the story of the Montagues and the Capulets.

Forget Arsenal's Wenger and Tottenham's Martin Jol in torrid touchline dispute. Or Clive Allen's furious quest for a handshake from the Arsenal boss. These days the managers write each other's job references.

Their modern rivalry is more Romeo and Juliet than feuding and it all started when Arsenal's Unai Emery recommended Spurs' Mauricio Pochettino for his job at Valencia.

Mauricio Pochettino is good friends with Arsenal boss Unai Emery after their time in Spain
The two managers are busy preparing to out wit each other in Sunday's north London derby

'The chairman of Valencia called me,' said Pochettino, 'and he said, "I want you".