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Arsene Wenger’s 11 defining moments at Arsenal: derby delights, power shifts… and Sylvain Wiltord

We’re saluting the fastidious Frenchman on this week – so here’s a selection of his most intriguing episodes in north London

Two months after being appointed Arsenal manager in September 1996, the scholarly Arsene Wenger prepared for his first north London derby. Having already set about changing the players' diets, stretching habits and warm-ups, his team faced Tottenham in an almost biblical downpour at Highbury.

With the teams tied at 1-1 after 85 minutes (George Graham would surely have instructed his team to secure the point), the Gunners continued to swarm forwards and skipper Tony Adams volleyed Arsenal into the lead, before Dennis Bergkamp delivered the perfect injury-time coup de grace, curling in a sublime effort to make it 3-1.