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Arsene Wenger faces the loudest calls yet to end his Arsenal tenure... but Stan Kroenke will have to drag him out of the Emirates kicking and screaming

Ultimately, no-one knows for certain whether Arsene Wenger will be Arsenal manager next season.

If, however, his two decade reign as the king of north London does come to an end this summer, then he'll be dragged out of the building kicking and screaming.

He fought tooth and nail to remain last summer, leaning on his close relationship with owner Stan Kroenke to earn a new two-year deal.

Manager Arsene Wenger, 68, responded defiantly when quizzed about his Arsenal future
Manager Arsene Wenger, 68, responded defiantly when quizzed about his Arsenal future

There is no way he'll walk away with out a fight this time around.