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Arsenal were 'gutless, uninspired, creatively devoid and technically incompetent'... and that was 10 years ago. Now, they are even worse and Arsene Wenger must go

'Arsenal were pathetic. No hang on, that’s too generous. Pathetic means causing or evoking sympathy. I don’t feel any sympathy for the team who capitulated so appallingly to Manchester City. I feel blind fury and bitter resentment.

'We were gutless, uninspired, creatively devoid and technically incompetent. We have no leader like Adams or Vieira, we’ve become a soft touch and the players don’t know how to fight. Wenger looked like a Death Row inmate waiting to be taken to the electric chair; angry, frustrated, careworn and suddenly very old.

'Arsenal are disintegrating before my eyes as a major club.