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Arsenal star Mesut Ozil returns to mock Stoke police force for 'missing person' jibe after Gunners' revenge

Mesut Ozil has come back to haunt the Stoke police force after he responded to their mocking of his performance during Arsenal's early-season defeat at the Potters in August.

Following Stoke's surprise 1-0 victory over Arsene Wenger's side almost seven months ago, playmaker Ozil found himself at the centre of critique, with Staffordshire Police leading the way.

Responding to a Tweet, the Staffordshire police's official Twitter account wrote: 'Apologies for the delay in replying. We've been busy looking for a missing person, surname Ozil. Have you seen him? #Banter'.

Mesut Ozil was quick to pounce on comments made by Staffordshire Police back in August
Mesut Ozil was quick to pounce on comments made by Staffordshire Police back in August

As is the case with such mockery in so many situations like this one, Ozil made his pranksters eat their words as he helped the Gunners get revenge and snatch a 3-0 victory over the Potters on Sunday.