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Arsenal and Tottenham prepare swoops for Serie A bosses as Juventus and Roma managers are put on red alert before 'domino effect' in summer

Arsenal and Tottenham could be set for a managerial merry-go-round this summer, with Arsene Wenger and Mauricio Pochettino tipped to be replaced by top Serie A bosses, reports Gazzetta dello Sport.

The North London rivals could undergo huge change at the top with their managers reportedly set for pastures new. Arsenal face a summer tainted with uncertainty regarding Wenger after inconsistent performances blighted encouraging early-season form.

His 20-year reign at the helm could finally come to an end this summer as some supporters have become disillusioned with the Wenger regime.

Mauricio Pochettino and Arsene Wenger could both leave North London this summer
Mauricio Pochettino and Arsene Wenger could both leave North London this summer
Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri could leave Turin to replace Wenger in the summer
Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri could leave Turin to replace Wenger in the summer

Frustrated Gunners fans' calls for 'Wenger out' have grown each season as scintillating form at the beginning of the year flatters to deceive as the seasons eventually peter out.