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Alexandre Lacazette 'psychologically destroyed' by fans' booing after Lyon striker suggested he could leave soon, says club president Jean-Michel Aulas

Lyon striker Alexandre Lacazette has been 'psychologically destroyed' after fans greeted his hints at a move away with abuse, according to his club's president.

Jean-Michel Aulas said supporters' conceptions on Lacazette's motives were 'based on a misunderstanding' in a staunch defence of the French forward, who was targeted in Wednesday's 4-0 win over Nancy.

The 25-year-old, who has been targeted by Arsenal and watched by a host of other European big guns, hinted in an interview this week that 'the right moment has arrived to leave'.

Lyon strikeru00a0Alexandre Lacazette was 'psychologically destroyed' by fans' reactions to him
Lyon striker Alexandre Lacazette was 'psychologically destroyed' by fans' reactions to him

But Aulas is adamant that there has been no 'betrayal' by his top talent in declaring an interest in one day moving on to a bigger club.