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'Abusive and improper': Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger given three-match ban and fined £40,000 after West Brom comments

Arsene Wenger has been given a three-match touchline ban and fined £40,000 by the Football Association following his comments about the referee after the West Brom game.

In a separate case, the FA have asked Wenger to provide observations on his remarks about the penalty decisions which went against the Gunners in both of their games over the festive period.

A statement from the FA on Friday evening read: "Arsene Wenger will serve a touchline ban for Arsenal's next three matches after he was charged with misconduct.

"It follows an Independent Regulatory Commission hearing today at which the Arsenal manager admitted that his language and behaviour in the match officials' changing room after the West Brom game on Sunday was abusive, improper and questioned the integrity of the match referee.