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UAMS recommends return-to-play guidelines for sports in Arkansas

FAYETTEVILLE — A committee of 15 professors at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences has released recommendations for athletics to resume in the state at the college and high school levels.

Among the notable recommendations for college sports include:

• A negative covid-19 screening before an athlete is allowed to move back to campus, as well as active monitoring for fever or coronavirus-like symptoms

• Requirements for athletes who test positive to be sent home and quarantined

• Athletes should room only with teammates when feasible, should limit contact with non-family members and teammates, and wear masks in living quarters when social distancing is difficult

• Teams should avoid commercial flights, use bus travel when feasible and limit travelers only to essential personnel, with essential being defined as coaches, athletes and support staff

• No sharing of drink dispensers, such as water bottles, or of equipment, such as towels

• Sanitizing commonly exposed equipment, such as game balls

The panel also addressed team meetings and practices, recommending that team meetings be held virtually when possible, and that attendees should maintain a 6-foot distance when possible.