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The method behind ASU coach Bobby Hurley's courtside madness

The foul is on Arizona State guard Tra Holder, his first, team’s third. Pacing in front of the bench, coach Bobby Hurley, elbows out, hands on hips, glances up at the scoreboard at Utah’s Jon M. Huntsman Center.

“Tony,” Hurley calls to veteran official Tony Padilla.

Padilla walks over.

For the next 10 seconds, while Utah prepares to inbound on the baseline, Hurley makes his case, pointing to the opposite end of the court – ASU’s end – raising his hands, seeking explanations. Padilla says little. Play resumes. Hurley’s just getting started.

In nearly every game he’s like this, an avalanche of intensity, coming this close at times to getting a technical foul not once, but multiple times.