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Diamondbacks 4, Giants 8: Bad feeling about this, fully endorsed.

Jar-Jar Binks? Caravan of Courage? The Christmas Holiday Special? Which aspect of the Star Wars universe did tonight's Diamondbacks' performance most resemble?

Record: 42-47. Pace: 76-86. Change on 2014: +6.

I'm more or less of the opinion that there is no such thing as a "bad" baseball game. It's always fun to go to the park, hang out with friends, chat and drink beer, regardless of the result. That said: Christopher Columbus on a cross, this was a chore of a game to sit through. Three hours and thirty-eight minutes of slow, creeping defeat, which was inevitable by the middle of the fourth inning, when San Francisco had taken a 7-1 lead and chased Anderson [hohoho] from the game, on his way to another drubbing.