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Diamondbacks 2, Padres 7: Dustcap Beercap

SAND STORMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Record: 35-39. Pace: 77-85. Change on 2014: +5.

Beer 1: Kirsch Gose by Victory Brewing
  • Well I mist the first two innings but a dust storm will do that to a guy on a bike.
  • I got in, very dusty, and said to myself "Gose, I will have a Gose." Pronounced much like the figure from the Ghostbusters (The Key Master I think) Goser the Gosarian. A Belgium fruit beer that's pretty easy drinking at 4.5%. A good way to re-hydrate during a beer article.
  • Good things so far as Peralta and Tomas get things going with two singles and then the bases are juiced, but Owings (AGAIN!