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D-backs players go “All in” on #AllWin campaign

When the Arizona Diamondbacks win this season, communities around the world win, too. Through Big League Impact’s #ALLWIN Arizona campaign, three players from the team have pledged to donate their own money to a cause or charity close to their hearts, each time the team wins this season. Led by Big League Impact supporters Nick Ahmed and Luke Weaver, these Arizona Diamondbacks have teamed up to pledge a combined $2,050 per win and hope to raise at least $180,000 by the end of the 2021 regular season. Proceeds will be divided among their selected charities as follows:

  • Nick Ahmed: Compassion International (Fill the Stadium initiative)
  • Luke Weaver: Consider the Lily
  • Joakim Soria: 1Mission

Ahmed has been involved with the Fill the Stadium initiative since early 2020, and we wrote about that endeavor earlier this year.