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Crash Landing: How Arizona Diamondbacks' Archie Bradley started a duck-hunting business

(Photo: Courtesy: Crash Landing Outdoors)

A teenaged Archie Bradley sat in the blind, waiting. Bradley's high school friend, Casey Mathis, had taken him duck hunting for the first time. It was there, sitting and waiting in the Oklahoma wetlands, that Bradley felt an adrenaline rush matched only by pitching baseballs.

Some 10 years later, Bradley has continued to chase that feeling. With the help of another high school friend, Mak Monckton, and local lodge operator Adam Maris, Bradley started his own company to provide others with the same exhilaration for waterfowl hunting in north-central Oklahoma.

Most Diamondbacks fans have probably seen the name of Bradley’s company, called Crash Landing Outdoors, without even knowing it.