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Arizona Diamondbacks All-Time Top 50: #41, Matt Mantei

1999 – 65 games, 65.1 IP, 2.76 ERA, 162 ERA+,1.7 bWAR(32 saves). Marlins traded him to D-backs on July 8, 1999. That half-season, playing for the D-backs, he had 22 saves, 15.2 strikeouts per 9 innings, and 0.3 homers per 9 innings. Awesome!

2003 - 50 games, 55.0 IP, 2.62 ERA, 180 ERA+, 2.1 bWAR (29 saves). Depending on which stats are important, this season was better than 1999!

When Mantei enters the game, Vanilla Ice’s Ice, Ice Baby blares from the loudspeakers. The “Ice Girls,” teenagers who cheer his every move, are beside themselves with joy.