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Keim: No Corner on Market

As the NFL heads into Day 6 of the free agency period, a hefty number of Cardinals’ fans are growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of action from the team’s GM Steve Keim.

Sure, the trade for All Pro C Rodney Hudson appears to be another slam dunk, especially after the Cardinals were outbid by the Chargers for All Pro C Corey Linsley. But, the Cardinals had to give up their 3rd round pick and like the bartender in Billy Joel’s Piano Man “there’s someplace that he’d (Hudson) rather be.”

At his brief press conference yesterday, Rodney Hudson made it clear that “what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas” where things got particularly ugly for Hudson and now, rather than being free to re-sign with the Chiefs as he intended, he finds himself coping with another end of the ugly business of the NFL for being jettisoned off, in a trade, to another team.