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Disappointment in the desert: Dealing with yet another Arizona sports heartbreak

How quickly “Suns in four” became “Bucks in six.” Ugh.

I was a Suns fan before I was ever a Cardinals fan, and even the biggest Cardinals fans will tell you that Phoenix is a Suns town, first and foremost. So this one hurts. It cuts deep. It makes the Cardinals late-season collapse last year feel like a papercut in comparison.

The Suns NBA Finals loss is just the latest in a long line of bitter postseason disappointments in this snake-bitten sports town. Just off the top of my head, in my lifetime we’ve had the John Paxson game in ‘93, the ’96 Rose Bowl, Robert Horry and David Stern screwing the Seven Seconds or Less Suns in 2007, Super Bowl XLIII in 2008, and then the Cardinals NFC Championship Game implosion in 2016.