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Cardinals need to do for Kyler Murray what Ravens have done for Lamar Jackson

This off-season, the Baltimore Ravens were able to achieve two game-changing feats:

As Cardinals’ fans know, while he was a Raven, WR Hollywood Brown was frustrated in having to play in Greg Roman’s run and pass to the TE heavy offense. Yet, no Raven was more frustrated with Roman’s conservative offensive scheme than Lamar Jackson.

A key part of why Jackson decided to sign the multi-year extension was the assurance the Ravens gave him that they would say “Nevermore” to a conservative offense.

Now, even though Kyler Murray has been saying very positive things about Drew Petzing, the coach’s attention to detail and the appealing aspects of a run heavy offense, Kyler, as he is apt to find out, is very likely going to find himself in a similar conundrum as Lamar was.