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Bickley: Cardinals take to London stage to show off their new star, Adrian Peterson

Related Topics: automobile, London

LONDON – Americans love coffee. The British prefer tea.

We worship our automobiles. They love their gardens. We prefer the steering wheel on the left side of the car. They like football to be played on a soccer pitch. We put presidents on our currency. They display their beloved queen. Getting pissed means dramatically different things to our respective cultures, and I prefer the English interpretation.

But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the NFL is pretty awesome. Which is why we’re here.

The Cardinals play the Rams in the 21st NFL game staged in London, an international series that has featured a nude man streaking across the field, a tie game between the Redskins and Bengals and a rainstorm that turned the field into a mud pit in the NFL’s debut here in 2007.