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Haiti triggers travel alert over medical and crime concerns

Haiti pops up on the U.S. State Department's warnings (longer-term issues that often involve safety) and its alerts (usually for events of immediate interest) issued this month.

The alert, dated Aug. 7, notes that elections Oct. 25 and Dec. 27 could create unrest.

The alert was issued just ahead of the Aug. 9 elections, which were marred by disorder and violence; Agence France-Presse reported that two people were killed.

The warning, issued Aug. 5, reminds potential visitors they may have trouble if they need emergency medical help.

"Some U.S. citizens injured in accidents and others with serious health concerns have been unable to find necessary medical care in Haiti and have had to arrange and pay for medical evacuation to the United States," the warning said, adding that medical evacuation insurance might be appropriate.