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'El Chapo' tweets erupt after drug lord's prison break

Twitter was awash with commentary on the prison escape of Mexico's top drug lord, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, on Saturday night and early Sunday. Here's a sampling:

Ppl acting all happy like El Chapo Guzman is their uncle and provides them with millions of dollars. Idiots w a retarded mindset if u ask me

Donald trump, El Chapo Guzman is after you boy ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

— Rafa (@gomez_rafa11) July 12, 2015

The awkward moment when even El Chapo Guzman is out on a Saturday night and I'm just chillen here in bed¿¿¿¿

— Manny (@MannyAndrade13) July 12, 2015

Watch that fool comeback thinking no one noticed he went to go eat!