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Darth Vader to face Rebel Alliance onslaught alone in Marvel's 'Star Wars: Vader Down'

Want to see the true power of Darth Vader? Bring everyone you have and corner him. But don’t say you weren’t warned.

The oversized single-issue “Star Wars: Vader Down,” written by Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen with interior art by Mike Deodato and Salvador Larroca and covers by Mark Brooks, launches a six-part story in November that will cross over in issues of the Aaron-scripted “Star Wars” and the Gillen-penned, Larroca-drawn “Darth Vader.” In the tale, Vader will crash on a planet, and the Rebel Alliance will send everyone – Han, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca and more – in an attempt to deal once and for all with the Dark Lord of the Sith.