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At least 48 dead: Kabul's deadliest day since 2011

A trio of terror attacks Friday across the Afghan capital left at least 48 people dead, more than 300 injured, myriad businesses shuttered and people’s nerves shattered.

It was the deadliest day in Kabul since 2011, with the highest number of civilians killed and injured since the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan began systematically recording civilian casualties here in 2009.

“Those responsible for suicide and complex attacks in civilian-populated areas can no longer shrug off the disproportionate harm to the civilian population they cause,” said Nicholas Haysom, the secretary-general’s special representative for Afghanistan. “The Afghan people are resilient, but the suffering caused by these tactics in terms of civilian deaths, injuries and the loss of family members is extreme, irreversible and unjustifiable in any terms.