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Are there Oscars for dogs? Carlos is the evocative star of 'Max'

Co-writer and director Boaz Yakin's "Max" pulls the Lassie story out of the 1950s and plants it squarely in post-9/11 America.

Marine Kyle Wincott (Robbie Amell) is a specialist working in the Middle East with Max, a German shepherd sniffing out weapons caches and other threats. When Kyle dies attempting to rescue Max in a firefight, the dog is so badly traumatized that he is unable to be handled by anyone — except Kyle's teenage brother, brooding gamer Justin (Josh Wiggins).

As the two bond, Justin discovers that Kyle's Marine buddy Tyler (Luke Kleintank) is lying about Max's role in Kyle's death to cover up his own cowardice, and Tyler has gotten himself into shady illegal arms deals.