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If Clemson beats Alabama, Gus Malzahn gets partial credit

Gus Malzahn couldn't beat Alabama this year. His Auburn team kept the game closer than expected, but the Tigers couldn't stop the Tide on its march to the national championship game.

If that roll stops short Monday night, if Clemson gets the better of Alabama, there's a good chance Deshaun Watson will be the best player on the field.

If that happens, Malzahn can take some quiet satisfaction. He was a small part of the process that helped Dabo Swinney get Clemson to this point.

Follow the bouncing ball.

If not for Malzahn's willingness as a high school legend in Arkansas to share his hurry-up no-huddle philosophy with an eager/desperate high school coach in Texas named Chad Morris, Morris might not have seen his winning percentage and his profile skyrocket.