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White Sox Minor League Update: July 21-22, 2022

After the DSL Sox were rained out in the second inning, the ACL Sox were the first team to play a game post-All-Star-Break, and they set the tone for the second half by losing 9-3 on five hits. They fall to 12-19 and hopefully will soon see a sorely-needed infusion of draft talent.

Dylan Burns, a 25-year-old undrafted free agent signed in May, had the worst start of his young career, allowing six runs (five earned on Layant Tapia’s error at short) in under three innings. José Rodulfo, 21 years old and on his second pro organization after signing with the Dodgers literally the day he turned 16 in what was sure to be an upstanding and non-exploitative deal, walked three and allowed one run in 1 u2153 innings.