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Goosed: Ballpark sections 106 and 107 become an island

The big announcement lurching out of fun and vibrant SoxFest ’19 wasn’t the signing of Manny Machado, or any of those “four” (Rick, you tease!) transactions the front office is feverishly grinding out.

Nope, the Chicago White Sox on Monday acquired a goose — The Goose Island section at the ballpark.

Now, Chicago is not synonymous with the island life, by any stretch — but that hasn’t stopped the club from forging ahead with an innovative cut-out of Sections 106 and 107 (at the foul pole field right, and visiting bullpen field left).

The two sections, formerly featuring normal ballpark seating, with bar stool seats in front, now will be made up completely of a sort of movie-theater stadium seating and in-seat service.